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AGE: Teen Time: 28 Min. DVDs: 1
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E-cigarettes have been called the next generation cigarette and vaping the newest way for teens to start smoking. Research confirms that nonsmoking teens who start vaping are three times as likely as nonvapers to later smoke cigarettes and that vaping seemed to encourage smoking. Most teens assume vaping is harmless, however, it is not. Studies have shown that the gases and particles in e-cigarette vapors can harm the lungs, brain, heart and immune system. Most contain nicotine and it’s this nicotine that can cause an addiction and fuel a teens’ transition from vaping to smoking. Vaping liquids flavored like fruit or candy don’t help either.

Vaping devices are also compatible with marijuana, cocaine, THC liquids and other drugs, providing an easier pathway to substance abuse. Usage can increase because the devices are less publicly recognizable and easier for a teen to hide from parents and others. Further danger is created for users who may not be completely aware of what’s inside the electronic cigarette. Worst of all, it could be a deadly concoction of chemicals, known as synthetic drugs.

A combination of peers and health professionals encourage teens to be well informed and not hop on the vaping bandwagon. With vaping significantly on the rise, this message is more important than ever.
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