AGE: College, Adult, A.P. Time: 20 Min. Ea. DVDs: 5
DVD: $150.00 Ea.      DVD Series: $750.00         
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From wind power to green medicine, The Green Economy features practical ways the green economy is developing. Business leaders of our country are recognizing the need to refocus on responsible and sustainable ways to improve our world, all while making a tidy profit. The Green Economy showcases these improvements at work. We present the concept that we are the stewards of our world, necessitating a wise and conscientious caretaking of our environment for future generations. At the same time, we give a sincere nod to the business leaders and models that provide the opportunity to execute these ideas and create new jobs. Entrepreneurs take note!

Titles include:

Wildlife Management
Lions…Tigers…Bears…Oh My!  We find out how people who really care about wildlife are raising awareness about why our urban growth is literally making dangerous encounters with wild animals is becoming an everyday occurrence.  We visit an exotic animal rescue to see lions, tigers and other wild animals are being cared for the best way possible.  We also talk to experts about one of the most allusive animals, the wolf, is now making a comeback.

Sustainable Fisheries
Beyond Catch & Release policies are experts who are dedicated to making sure the habitat for both commercial and sport fishing stays healthy.  The Pacific Ocean is home to literally thousands of species of fish and other creatures.  Here in the Northwest one of the best indicators to the health of the ocean is Salmon.  The Green Economy looks at how experts are monitoring all aspects of the health of the fish.  There are some major breakthroughs from a technical aspect that are making the monitoring all the more accurate.

Sustainable Forestry
Growing trees is not totally the job of Mother Nature anymore!  Making sure logging doesn’t tax future growth too much is an ever more increasingly important task.  Using a relatively new high tech invention, the helicopter, to harvest hasn’t been around that long but offers an interesting alternative to logging.  We look at growing, managing and cutting of the new sustainable forest.

Waterways Superfund Part #1
Cities around the United States grew up around the great arterial waterways.  In the West, the Columbia and Willamette have seen 150 years of commerce and change and unfortunately have paid the price of the industrial revolution.  It's not the water so much as the sediment on the bottom where PCB’s and other toxins are threatening fish and other wildlife.  There is a push to reverse the damage of the past by removing the worst of this sediment.  This is a complex issue with an even more complex solution but we show you how they’re doing it.

Waterways Superfund Part #2
In this program we will compare other rivers where industry has left its mark.  Rivers like the mighty Hudson where PCB clean up has been revolutionized.  New Jersey’s Passaic River, which is considered one of the most polluted bodies of water anywhere.  The Gowanus Canal that runs through Brooklyn New York where you’d think twice if you wanted a dip on a hot day.  Lastly, its the Fox River in Wisconsin that is one of the largest cleanups on record.  The Willamette just may be pristine again!

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