AGE: College, Adult, A.P. Time: Approx. 20 Min. Ea. DVDs: 7
DVD: $150.00 Ea.      DVD Series: $1,025.00         
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This series features practical ways the green economy is developing in our cities. Business leaders of our country are recognizing the need to refocus on responsible and sustainable ways to improve our world, all while making a tidy profit. The Green Economy showcases these improvements at work. We present the concept that we are the stewards of our world, necessitating a wise and conscientious caretaking of our environment for future generations. At the same time, we give a sincere nod to the business leaders and models that provide the opportunity to execute these ideas and create new jobs. Entrepreneurs take note!

Green Economy: The Future Of Urban Planning and Building includes:

            New Urbanism

This sleepy seaside community is built under the brand of sustainable new urbanism.  Not only are the homes and other community buildings built in a very environmentally friendly way, but the design promotes the diminished need to drive by grouping services like grocery, laundry, restaurants and other things in the center promoting biking and walking.  We take a few days off to enjoy the experience!

Green Building
Trends these days are to not build homes and buildings to code but to standards that are much more efficient.  Windows, doors, insulation, heating, cooling and even the countertops in some kitchens are more efficient and made with less and less toxic methods.  We will be visiting one of the most efficient homes on the planet and one of the first Leed Platinum office buildings in the US.

Green Remodeling
Rebuilding old homes isn’t new but in this country it isn’t nearly as common as in places like Europe.  Keeping the basic structure in tact isn’t just more economical but it also helps keep history alive.  Not just homes but all sorts of things are being re-tasked over buying new.  

Green Insulation
Not only how, but what is now being used to insulate homes and buildings will surprise you!  How about sheep wool or compressed recycled newspaper?  The list is fascinating as are the folks who are working to make it even more sustainable. 

Green Golf Course Management
Think the modern golf course simply dumps tons of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides everywhere?  Think again!  Not only would that bankrupt most of these facilities but they are must more forward thinking, from a sustainability standpoint, than you might give them credit for.  We will look at 2 courses that are making sustainability one of their primary goals.  We will also look at the industry in general and how things are changing... for the better!

Water Systems
We all need it and its much less common than you might think.  The earth has plenty of water but only a small fraction of it is fresh and clean.  Our rivers are much dirtier than people think so cleaning water for drinking is becoming the focus of numerous scientists.  We take some of the dirtiest and make it clean and drinkable right before your eyes.

Home Recycling
Keeping aluminum cans out of the trash is how a lot of us were raised to recycle.  Today nearly everything we buy, use and throw away can be recycled in some form.  Its not always easy but the ways in which companies are making recycling products is down right fascinating…we will take a look.

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