AGE: Pre-K, Elem. Time: Various DVDs: 88
DVD: $49.95      DVD Series: $4,200.00         
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Recommended: School Library Journal, Video Librarian, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus

Modern storybooks, now on DVD, help capture young children's imagination and encourage a love of reading. Viewers will learn about the world around them with stories that explore other cultures, explain the past, examine different environments and encourage good social/emotional skills.

Each DVD includes beautiful, iconographic animation, engaging narrators, original music, and dramatic effects.

Titles Include:

Zoe Gets Ready (Bethanie Deeney Murguia)

Zoe's Room (Bethanie Deeney Murguia)

Zoe's Jungle (Bethanie Deeney Murguia)

Edda (Adam Auerbach)

Thump, Quack, Moo (Doreen Cronin)

The Baby Tree (Sophie Blackall)

Mogie (Kathy Appelt)

On a Beam of Light (Jennifer Berne)

Billy and Goat at the State Fair (Dan Yaccarino)

Boom Snot Twitty This Way That Way (Doreen Cronin)

Viva Frida (Yuyi Morales)

The Whispering Town (Jennifer Elvgren)

Benno And The Night Of Broken Glass (Meg Wiviott)

By Mouse & Frog (Deborah Freedman)

Nino Wrestles The World (Yuyi Morales)

The Watcher (Jeanette Winter)

Jack & Jill; Diddle, & Diddle, Dumpling (Melissa Everett)

Hey Diddle Diddle; & I Wish I Was A Little (Melissa Everett)

Cinco de Mouse-O! (Judy Cox)

I Love My Hair & I Love To Sing (Anne Matheson)

It's Only Stanley (Jon Agee)

The Story of Fish & Snail (Deborah Freedman)

I Had A Favorite Dress (Boni Ashburn)

Wheels On The Bus; Old MacDonald; 7 The Ants Go Marching One By One (Frankie O'Connor)

Go To Sleep, Groundhog (Judy Cox)

There Was an Old Woman and There Was a Crooked Man (Melissa Everett)

Looking At Lincoln (Maira Kalman)

Ben Franklin's Big Splash (Barb Rosenstark)

Thomas Jefferson (Maira Kalman)

Kali's Song (Jeanette Winter)

Blue Chicken (Deborah Freedman)

Mumbet's Declaration of Independence (Gretchen Woelfly)

The Book That I Love To Read & I Am So Awesome (Joe Fitzpatrick)

Yesterday I Found An A & The Color Caper (Maggie Blossom & Johannah Paiva)

Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone & Three Little Kittens (Melissa Everette)

A Dance Like Starlight (Kristy Dempsey)

Chicken Little (George Bridge)

Puss in Boots (Joe Fitzpatrick)

Benny Goodman and Teddy Wilson (Lesa Cline-Ransome)

Washday (Eve Bunting)

Going Places (Paul A. Reynolds)

Terrific (Jon Agee)

Nothing (Jon Agee)

Rain, Rain, Go Away; Winken, Blinken, and Nod; & One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (Melissa Everett)

Anna and Solomon (Elaine Snyder)

Bailey (Harry Bliss)

Bailey at the Museum (Harry Bliss)

Behold The Beautiful Dung Beetle (Cheryl Bardoe)

Big Bad Bubble (Adam Rubin)

Boom Snot Twitty (Doreen Cronin)

Boy Who Cried Bigfoot!, The (Scott Magoon)

Brave Girl (Michelle Markel)

Building Our House (Jonathan Bean)

Cart That Carried Martin, The (Eve Bunting)

Starbright: A Christmas Story (Alison McGhee)

Christmas Quiet Book, The (Deborah Underwood)

Daredevil (Meghan McCarthy)

Doug Unplugged (Dan Yaccarino)

Doug Unplugs On The Farm  (Dan Yaccarino)

Dragons Love Tacos (Adam Rubin)

Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau, The (Dan Yaccarino)

Goldy Luck And The Three Pandas (Natasha Yim)

Hansel and Gretel (Harry Caminelli)

Is There a Monster in My Closet? (Johannah Gilman Paiva)

Jack and the Beanstalk (George Bridge)

Lawn to Lawn (Dan Yaccarino)

Locomotive (Brian Floca)

Making a Friend (Alison McGhee)

Man with the Violin, The (Kathy Stinson)

Milo's Hat Trick (Jon Agee)

Moonday (Adam Rex)

Mr. Wuffles (David Wiesner)

Museum, The (Susan Verde)

Nation's Hope, A: The Story of Boxing Legend Joe Louis (Matt de la Pena)

One is a Feast for Mouse (Judy Cox)

Paper Bag Princess, The  (Robert Munsch)

Secret Pizza Party (Adam Rubin)

Separate is Never Equal (Duncan Tonatiuh)

Smallest Gift of Christmas, The (Peter H. Reynolds)

Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (Cyril Bavis)

Thanksgiving Is...  (Gail Gibbons)

Those Darn Squirrels! (Adam Rubin)

Those Darn Squirrels And The Cat Next Door (Adam Rubin)

Those Darn Squirrels Fly South (Adam Rubin)

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star & Star Light, Star Bright (Melissa Everett)

Ugly Duckling (Katherine Rushing)

Under The Freedom Tree (Susan VanHecke)

Wizard of Oz, The (Maggie Blossom)

Copyright MMXIII to MMXV
Closed Captioned