> History    >> World History
AGE: All Time: Appox. 40 min. ea. DVDs: 7
DVD: $295.00 EA.      DVD Series: $1,950.00         
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Using an easy to follow progressive timeline from early beginning to more modern day, students will follow the emerging development and ultimate sophistication of these most notable civilizations. Broken down into sub-chapters of information, each DVD program covers the most important topics and concepts associated with the unique culture and history of these civilizations as they passed through time. (Key Concepts Defined)

                                         THE CIVILIZATIONS

• Chinese–Part 1  – Neolithic to Sui Dynasty
• Chinese–Part 2  – Northern Song Dynasty to Modern Day

The history of China dates back some 3,300 years. Distinct with its own art, music, literature, philosophy, science and technology China offers a cultural portrait equal to the strong creative will of its people. From clans and tribes of nomadic wanderers, China has blended its ancient heritage into the sophistication of a modern-day society.  It’s language consists of 60,000 symbols; its art is formed from the natural beauty of porcelain, bronze and jade; its philosophy embraces the poetic wisdom and peaceful teachings of Confucius; and its enduring architecture presents an array of pagodas, temples, and a fortress of imperial cities.


• Japanese–Part 1 – Neolithic Period to Samurai
• Japanese–Part 2 – Mongols to Modern Day

Of all the ancient civilizations Japan is one of the most unique. During the time Japan became an island off the Asian continent a new era evolved known as the Jomon period, which developed and improved the migrating lifestyles of the early hunting/gathering societies. After early settlements Japan entered an age known as feudalism during which a constant state of war existed between local lords and chieftains. Their reign brought the teachings of Buddhism from Korea and Confucius from China into Japanese society. Along with its cherished traditions, Japan has become a world leader in electronics, car manufacturing, and computers. While upholding its ancient heritage and investing in technological advances, Japan successfully remains one of the most unique cultures the world has ever known.


• India–Part 1 – Indus River Civilizations to Buddhism
• India –Part 2 – Alexander The Great to Modern Day

Anthropologists believe that single edged stone tools indicate that people lived in India as much as 50,000 years ago. One of the most unique aspects of the migrations into the Indus River Valley was that early arrivals did not completely displace the old inhabitants, as in other cultures. It remains evident today that some of the most powerful empires of all time have touched the fabric of India; that of Alexander the Great from Greece, the Muslims, and lastly the British Empire. It will take until the middle of the 20th Century before the borders of India, Pakistan and other modern nations of the subcontinent are set and each becomes an independent nation.


• Egyptian–Part 1 – Stone Age to Middle Kingdom
• Egyptian–Part 2 – New Kingdom to Modern Day

The historic timeline of ancient Egypt stretches from approximately 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. With its spectacular temples, imperious Pharaohs and auspicious treasures, Egypt’s Golden Empire became one of the most dominant civilizations the world has ever known. The timeline of Egypt flows from the dynasties of mighty kings and queens to the architectural wonders of pyramids and tombs.


• Greek–Part 1  – Neolithic Period to Archaic Period
• Greek–Part 2  – Rise of Athens to Modern Greece

Ancient Greek culture has been a contributing influence throughout Western civilization in the areas of art, literature, philosophy, drama, architecture and politics. With their inspiring intellect and unending pursuit of knowledge, the Greeks were the first to envision the principles of democracy and personal freedoms. Although ancient, these early Greek ideas continue to effectively establish the precepts for governments throughout the world.


• Roman–Part 1 – Neolithic Period to Third Punic War
• Roman–Part 2 – Post Republic to Modern Day

Synonymous with imperial rule, the historic timeline of the Roman Empire is a tapestry woven from its origins along seven hilltop villages to the shores of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its influence upon the ancient world rapidly spread as ambitious Roman emperors swiftly expanded the empire. Although founded upon the principles of a “Republic”, imperialism soon became a defining element of Roman authority. The legacy of ancient Rome continues to influence our world today. Its alluring cities – Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples and Pompeii, are all an attractive taste of an empire gone but not forgotten. 


• Mesopotamia–Part 1  – Neolithic Period To Kings of Agade
• Mesopotamia–Part 2 – The Babylonians To Modern Day

Known as the “Land In Between”, Mesopotamia geographically lies between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Today this broad fertile crescent plain is part of the modern countries of Iraq and Kuwait. Over the course of 5,000 years this ancient land gave rise to three remarkable civilizations; the Sumerians, the Babylonians and the Assyrians. Innovations first developed by these enduring civilizations include; sophisticated building, farming methods, the wheel, water irrigation and the development of language.

Closed Captioned, E-Guide
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