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AGE: Mid. and Up Time: Approx. 8 Min. Ea. DVDs: 12
DVD: $99.00      DVD Series: $995.00         
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Their titles include novelist, playwright, poet and essayist. But they are also known as social activist, pacifist, reformer, human rights activist and humorist. Famous People in Literature examines literary giants who left a legacy of works that remain required reading in the classroom. Their writings were often a vivid depiction of everyday life and attitudes of the era. Each program in the series explores the most historic developments, significant contributions, important benchmarks and major turning points during these incredible lives.

For a complete list of biographies in other fields, please reference the Famous People, Incredible Lives 79-part series.

• Victor Hugo

• Jonathan Swift

• Oscar Wilde

• Lev Tolstoy

• Franz Kafka

• F. Scott Fitzgerald

• Mark Twain

• Robert Louis Stevenson

• Homer

• John Milton

• Geoffrey Chaucer

• Omar Khayyam

Closed Captioned
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