AGE: Elem. Time: Approx. 10 to 15 Min. Ea. DVDs: 9
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NOTE: Series orders are delivered in a single, multi-disc case. If you need individual cases you must order the individual DVDs.

The Get-Along Monsters assist young children to learn strategies that will help them solve problems in safe and appropriate ways.  Viewers learn important skills necessary for successful social interaction and emotional management. Each segment combines humorous, animated segments and age-appropriate, live-action scenarios to demonstrate easy-to-understand skills. Each concept and skill is reviewed and reinforced with a memorable music video.

Titles include:

5 Ways To Work Things Out  (Without Fighting)
This program gives kids five strategies to help them resolve the problems they face with friends, family and schoolmates.  Children are taught that hitting is not a way to solve a problem and that fights can be avoided when they use their words to talk about the problem. The program demonstrates how blaming someone else for the problem doesn’t resolve the problem, but asking questions can lead to a satisfactory resolution for everyone involved.  The program also shows that you can have different ideas to resolve a conflict. When there’s a problem that’s too difficult to solve, you can always ask a grown-up for help.

8 Ways To Handle Anger  (Without Hitting)
In this entertaining and information-packed program, children learn that it’s okay to feel angry and that there are safe and appropriate ways to handle anger. Children learn that recognizing their angry feelings is the first step towards handling anger and that they can be in charge when they’re able to “catch” their  angry feelings.   Simple strategies such as giving yourself a chance to cool off, walking away from an angry situation and physical activity are all things they can do to control their angry feelings and get rid of anger.  Viewers are also shown that talking about their angry feelings to a friend or grown up you trust can help to make them feel better.

Don't Call Me Names

You’re stupid! You’re a baby!  As we all know, name-calling is one of many inappropriate ways that children express themselves when they’re feeling angry or frustrated.  To the child on the receiving end of name-calling it can be a painful experience.  This program focuses on the reasons for name-calling and how it affects others.  Viewers also learn how to be more assertive so they can stop others from calling them names. Children who don’t have an available repertoire of social and coping skills can easily turn to violence, anger or self-harm when they face an upsetting or vulnerable situation.  Conversely, when we help kids learn and develop positive social and coping skills, we provide them with alternatives that can help turn problem situations into positive outcomes.

Everybody Makes Mistakes
Making mistakes can typically cause children to feel bad about themselves and elicit feelings of anger and frustration.  It’s important for students to learn to distinguish between different kinds of mistakes such as silly mistakes, mistakes that take time to fix, and mistakes that can't be fixed. In this program kids learn that mistakes are just a part of everyone’s life. It’s how we respond to the mistakes we make that really matters.  

It's Okay to Say No

It has been shown that children who are taught refusal skills are more likely to make positive choices and refrain from engaging in high-risk behaviors. It’s important to help children set limits for themselves and say "no" to outside pressures. This  increases their self-confidence. When children learn to stop and consider the consequences before responding to a request, as well as a variety of ways to say "no," they become more accomplished at refusing to participate in anything that could harm themselves or others. In this program, several simple refusal techniques are modeled and demonstrated.

Let's Make Up
This program features scenarios that provide ideas to help students learn about conflict and model the skills involved in identifying and resolving conflicts peacefully.  The program encourages students to think of different ways to solve their problems and differences with others without using violence.

No More Teasing
The objective of this program is to demonstrate effective strategies kids can use to protect themselves against teasing, harassment and bullying.  Several vignettes show situations in which kids are being teased.  Peer actors then model ways to resolve the situation in a safe and positive way.  By viewing this program, children will also come to understand that teasing is not fun for everyone, especially for the child being teased.

Stop Picking On Me
Each and every day children encounter bullies.  Whether it’s at school, on the bus or at home, bullies are a part of life. In this program students will learn simple, easy to understand techniques that will help them to deal with bullies, get a positive outcomes and stay safe.  Children are shown how ignoring a bully, walking away and refraining from fighting are all ways to contend with a bully.

We All Get Mad Sometimes

In the "Hands Down, Use Your Words" segment, children learn that hitting and poking does not solve problems, but can make the problems worse.  Viewers see how using your words and talking about the problem can lead to a safe and happy solution.
In the next segment, "Don’t Blame, Ask Questions",  viewers will learn strategies to use when they face a problem.  Children will learn that making assumptions and blaming makes other people angry and makes problems worse.  Viewers discover how asking questions can help solve a problem before it begins.   
In "Try Different Ideas",   children will learn that when you encounter a problem, you can come up with ideas to solve the problem.  Viewers will also come to understand that there may be many ideas that can solve a problem and you can work to find a solution that makes everyone happy.

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