> History    >> World History
AGE: College, Adult, A.P. Time: Varies, Approx. 40 - 50 Min. Ea. DVDs: 6
DVD: $195.00 Ea.      DVD Series: $1,170.00         
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Two years in the making, Rise of Great Powers travels from ancient Rome to the United States of America in the 20th century to explore the nature of influence and power throughout history. Leading academics  reveal the x factor that these nations had and others did not. This historical quest ultimately addresses the universal question- “What leads to the successful growth of a nation, community or organization?”

Academic Contributors include:
    - Karl Galinsky / Professor of Classics, University of Texas
    - Paul Kennedy / Professor of History, Yale University
    - Andrew Lambert / Professor of Naval History, King’s College London
    - Joseph Nye / Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard University
    - David Potter / Professor of Greek and Latin, University of Michigan

Titles include:

Roman Citizenship

The secret behind Rome's rise as an ancient hegemon is revealed. Rome did not always end its battles in victory. In fact many began in defeat. The 2nd Punic War which broke out in 218 BC was the biggest crisis in Rome's history. Rome was able to hold the Roman alliance together even as it stood on the brink of collapse.

Sunrise of the British Empire
Sunrise tells the story of the downfall of the world’s most powerful Armada, and the rise of the Great British empire. In the 16th century, the Spanish Armada was known as the invincible fleet. However, it suffered a huge defeat in 1588 in its invasion of England. We explores how the invincible fleet had become so weak in 17 short years and how the small island of England was able to prevail over the Spanish empire.

Empire of the Mongols
Historians reveal the secret behind the Mongolian Empire which claimed the world in just half a century. The vast Mongolian empire, spanning from the Korean peninsula in the Far East to Europe in the west, began with just a tiny group of nomads, not even 100,000 men strong. We find out how they were able to achieve this and transform from a group of barbarians to the most technologically advanced nation in the world.

Tiny Holland, Great Empire
Tiny Holland recounts the rise of the Netherlands from its humble beginnings in the 16th century as a country the size of a province to its belle époque in the 17th century. In 1492, Spain banished its entire Jewish population, beginning their exodus through Portugal which culminated in their settling in the Netherlands. When the Dutch declared independence from Spain, freedom of religion became its national creed. Among those who left Spain were talented merchants who exacted their revenge by engineering the Netherlands’ rise as the hegemon of European commerce, bringing Spain to its knees.

Freedom Summer, Mississippi 1964

We take a look at how the human rights movement of the 1960s transformed the United States. We find out how the divisive chasm of race was addressed, and the impact this had on American society.

Path to Greatness, Future of Empires

Leading academics discuss the factors behind the global influence of great powers. They offer insights into why Japan and Germany failed in their bid for hegemony and whether China could replace the United States as the next superpower. Finally, we hear about Korea’s strategy for the 21st century as it tackles the Dokdo dispute, inter-Korean relations and treads between the US and China.

FI Release 2018
Closed Captioned
Duplication, Digital and HD ITV rights available