GR: Jr. & Up RT: Approx. 20 Min. Ea. Titles: 5
DVD: $99.95 EA.      DVD SERIES: $499.75
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The only antidote to the flashy appeal of drugs is honest information. Give your students the straight facts on some of the most widely abused substances with this five-part series. Viewable/printable instructor’s guides are available online.


“Alcohol isn’t a drug.” “A cup of coffee will sober me up.” “I’m always a safe driver, even after a couple of beers.” These statements are only a few of the myths this video skewers as it explores the history of alcohol, including its use as a medicine; the effects of alcohol on the body and the short- and long-term health impacts; and teenage attitudes toward alcohol and trends such as binge drinking. The video also examines the prevalence of alcohol in American culture and discusses alcoholism—how to identify it and how to treat it.


Marijuana has the distinction of being the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. This video traces the history of marijuana and goes on to explain some of the many uses of the hemp plant; the effects of THC—the primary psychoactive chemical in marijuana, sinsemilla, hashish, and hash oil—on the body; the short- and long-term health implications of marijuana abuse; and teenage attitudes toward marijuana. In addition, the video investigates the concept of psychological dependency and considers whether marijuana is a gateway drug.

Cocaine and Crack

The pleasure of a cocaine high doesn’t last long, but the damage cocaine causes can last a lifetime. This video explores the history of cocaine; the effects of cocaine and crack on the body and the short- and long-term health impacts; and teenage attitudes toward cocaine and crack. The video also delves into the illicit cocaine trade and the South American cartels that control it, as well as addiction to cocaine—both physical and psychological.


Strictly speaking, the term “narcotic” refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their synthetic substitutes. This video delves into the history of narcotics such as heroin, opium, codeine, and morphine; the effects of narcotics on the body and the short- and long-term health impacts; and teenage attitudes toward narcotics. In addition, the video considers legalization and regulatory issues involving narcotics, as well as physical and psychological addiction to these potent drugs.


Since chemicals in more than 1,400 products can be sniffed or huffed for their psychoactive and mind-altering effects, it’s not surprising that inhalants are the most frequently abused substances in the U.S. This video explores the history of inhalant abuse; the effects of inhalants on the body and the short- and long-term health impacts; and teenage attitudes toward inhalants. The major classes of commonly abused inhalants and treatment and prevention measures are described in the video as well.

Closed Captioned, E-Guides
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