Famous People, Incredible Lives Series

Entire 79-part Series $ 6,999.00
Galileo Galilei $ 99.00
Curie, Madame Marie $ 99.00
Darwin, Charles $ 99.00
Nobel, Alfred $ 99.00
Pythagoras of Samos $ 99.00
Pavlov, Ivan $ 99.00
Nostradamus $ 99.00
Newton, Sir Isaac $ 99.00
Kafka, Franz $ 99.00
Hugo, Victor $ 99.00
Swift, Jonathan $ 99.00
Wilde, Oscar $ 99.00
Tolstoy, Lev $ 99.00
Fitzgerald, F. Scott $ 99.00
Twain, Mark $ 99.00
Stevenson, Robert Louis $ 99.00
Lincoln, Abraham $ 99.00
Bonaparte, Napoleon $ 99.00
Catherine The Great $ 99.00
Washington, George $ 99.00
Khan, Batu $ 99.00
Tutankhamun $ 99.00
Cleopatra $ 99.00
Montezuma II $ 99.00
Descartes, Rene $ 99.00
St. Thomas Aquinas $ 99.00
Confucius $ 99.00
Socrates $ 99.00
Plato $ 99.00
Aristotle $ 99.00
Diogenes $ 99.00
Nietzsche, Friedrich $ 99.00
Botticelli, Sandro $ 99.00
Rembrandt, Van Rijn $ 99.00
Van Gogh, Vincent $ 99.00
Michelangelo $ 99.00
Klimt, Gustav $ 99.00
Renoir, Pierre Auguste $ 99.00
Monet, Claude $ 99.00
El Greco $ 99.00
Bach, Johann Sebastian $ 99.00
Haydn, Joseph $ 99.00
Chopin, Frederic $ 99.00
Liszt, Franz $ 99.00
Schubert, Franz $ 99.00
Beethoven, Ludwig van $ 99.00
Brahms, Johannes $ 99.00
Schumann, Robert $ 99.00
Rockefeller, John D. $ 99.00
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel $ 99.00
Strauss, Lev $ 99.00
Pinkerton, Allan $ 99.00
Morse, Samuel $ 99.00
“Mona Lisa” by Da Vinci $ 99.00
“The Dance Class” by Degas $ 99.00
"Mardi Gras” by Cézanne $ 99.00
“The Last Supper” by Da Vinci $ 99.00
"Portrait of G. Arnolfini" By Jan van Eyck $ 99.00
"Where Do We Come From?" by Gauguin $ 99.00
"Return of the Prodigal Son" by Rembrandt $ 99.00
"The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli $ 99.00
"The Nude Maja" by Goya $ 99.00
"The Lute Player" by Caravaggio $ 99.00
"Self Portrait and Saskia" by Rembrandt $ 99.00
Lee, Robert E. $ 99.00
Alexander the Great $ 99.00
Hannibal $ 99.00
Admiral Horatio Nelson $ 99.00
Polo, Marco $ 99.00
Magellan, Ferdinand $ 99.00
Pizarro, Fran $ 99.00
Vespucci, Amerigo $ 99.00
Luther, Martin $ 99.00
Hus, Jan $ 99.00
Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha $ 99.00
Homer $ 99.00
Milton, John $ 99.00
Chaucer, Geoffrey $ 99.00
Khayyám, Omar $ 99.00